Loyola University of Chicago
1144 W. Loyola Ave.
Campion Hall Room 015
Chicago, IL 60626
Tom Galvin
Region Director
Cathy Buescher
Program Manager
Fr. Steve Krupa, SJ
Jesuit Chaplain
Dan Hartnett, SJ
Jesuit Chaplain
James Sweany
Spiritual Animator
News & Past Programming
IVC Chicago December 2020 Program
In 2020-2021, IVC Chicago Service Corps explored various social issues that demand attention and action. In December 2020, we gathered on Zoom to learn more about the correctional system in Chicago and steps being taken to provide support and justice to those impacted by detention. Our speakers were Henriette Gratteau, Director of the Sheriff’s Justice Institute, and MaryClare Birmingham, Executive Director of Kolbe House Jail Ministry. View the presentation here.
IVC Chicago Laudato Si’ Pledge
We, the Service Corps Members of Ignatian Volunteer Corps Chicago, studied Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. We examined the climate crisis from scientific and spiritual perspectives, exploring changes that must take place on the macro and micro levels. Our eyes were opened to the crisis’ overwhelming impact on the world’s poor.
Our focus on the Encyclical concluded with determining action steps that we pledge to take in our lives to protect our Earth, God’s creation. Read through our comprehensive IVC Laudato Si Pledge here. For information on how you can make a difference, visit the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ website: https://www.laudatosi.va/en.html.
IVC Chicago Featured On Loyola Academy’s Become More Podcast
Listen to Loyola Academy’s Become More Podcast episode about IVC Chicago, featuring volunteer Keith Schoenberg and IVC Chicago Director Maura Rogan here.