Welcome to IVC Denver
Are you called to serve God more fully? Do you desire to be in community with others? Are you willing to give of your time, comfort, and energy? Then Ignatian Volunteer Corps is for you. IVC Denver began in September 2017 with 8 volunteers. We have steadily grown and are serving across the greater Denver region. The heart of this program is service. Each IVC member serves 1-2 days a week at a local nonprofit agency. We aim to serve Christ in serving one another. Coming together as a community each month, we pray and reflect using the tools of St. Ignatius and the member’s unique experiences at the work site. In addition, the service corps members meet one-on-one with a spiritual reflector to more fully examine their service experience, seeing God in both the good times and the difficult ones. We are the living church, serving the local community while nurturing one another on the journey. Please consider joining us today!

While IVC members are central to Ignatian Volunteer Corps, there are various other ways to help support our organization. Perhaps you could serve as a spiritual reflector. Maybe you run a nonprofit in the Denver area and would like an IVC member at your organization. There are many ways to connect with IVC Denver, please do not hesitate to contact the local Director with your ideas, concerns, or interests! Email: denver@ivcusa.org