Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

Stories from Omaha

Omaha IVC “tips their hat” to Fr. Kevin Schneider, SJ

Omaha IVC “tips their hat” to Fr. Kevin Schneider, SJ

Priests in general, but especially Jesuits wear many hats. They are called to serve in many roles: public speaker, spiritual leader or director, leadership
developer, community outreach person, ministry coordinator, and of course perhaps the greatest of these, teacher. Fr. Kevin Schneider, SJ has worn all of these hats and more during his time in Omaha.

Omaha IVC partners with Heart Ministry Center at FRESH Floral

Omaha IVC partners with Heart Ministry Center at FRESH Floral

The Heart Ministry Center’s former Executive Director, Mark Dahir had a favorite phrase he shared with many “Become part of the Heart!” This is exactly what has transpired between the Ignatian Volunteer Corps and new Service Corps Member Celann LaGreca.  Celann’s...

IVC Omaha Members Become Family

IVC Omaha Members Become Family

It is easy to see why service corps members Gene and Kathy Schwarting are a valued part of the Saint Peter and Paul School community.  Former principal, Andrew Bauer, who is now serving as the Executive Director for the Omaha Consortium Schools shares this about his...

Walking with the Excluded

Walking with the Excluded

So how does IVC do all the wonderful work they do?  How do we walk with the excluded, the poor; with youth in crisis, the disabled, the trafficked, the forgotten? How do we do it? We walk hand-in-hand with our amazing service partner agencies—large and...

For when I was hungry…

For when I was hungry…

In the midst of the civic unrest and anxiety about the coronavirus, we can lose sight of the ongoing crisis of food insecurity. Defined as “the disruption of food intake or eating patterns because of lack of money and other resources,” Katie Fitzgerald, Chief...