Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

IVC Member Profiles: Lynda and Larry Dendtler 

IVC Member Profiles: Lynda and Larry Dendtler 

IVC members Lynda and Larry Dendtler bring a lifetime of experience to their volunteer service at Pathway Homes, an IVC partner agency that provides stable, permanent home settings for adults with disabilities, mental illnesses, and co-occurring substance abuse disorders.

Meet Ignatian Volunteer Dan Persico

Meet Ignatian Volunteer Dan Persico

Ann Hodgson is a Spiritual Reflector for IVC Albany and is part of the team that plans the monthly prayerful gatherings for the IVC Albany community.  Ann and her husband, John, live in Guilderland and are parishioners of Christ the King Church. 

With one foot raised – Meet Spiritual Reflector Ann Hodgson

With one foot raised – Meet Spiritual Reflector Ann Hodgson

Ann Hodgson is a Spiritual Reflector for IVC Albany and is part of the team that plans the monthly prayerful gatherings for the IVC Albany community.  Ann and her husband, John, live in Guilderland and are parishioners of Christ the King Church.