IVC’s Structure
IVC is governed by a National Board, with members from across the US in regions where IVC operates. Members have experience in the fields of law, finance, foundations, fundraising, management, marketing, Ignatian Spirituality, the Society of Jesus, social services and IVC membership.
IVC is managed by a National Office staff. The national office works with the national board in service to the organization and supports the regions.
Regional Directors and Coordinators administer the local IVC program in their city. They recruit and place new volunteers, reflectors and agencies; plan and run monthly meetings and retreats; guide the spiritual reflection components of the program; and fundraise, coordinate events, publicize and liaison with the Province and other Jesuit organizations. Regions have Regional Councils to assist with the promotion, operation and fundraising activities.
Ignatian Volunteers make up the heart of IVC. They are active women and men, age 50 or better, who recognize God’s goodness in their lives and desire to give something back by helping those struggling with the barriers of poverty and who are willing to reflect on and share their volunteer experiences with other Ignatian Volunteers.
Spiritual Reflectors are men and women trained in Ignatian Spirituality who “reflect” with the volunteers on their service work as they seek God in all things.
Partner Agencies work with IVC to either directly serve the needs of the poor or address those structures which affect the poor and welcome Ignatian Volunteers as part-time staff. They support the IVC program with a modest annual fee. These partnerships help to ensure that IVC’s unique program of service and spirituality will continue to grow for years to come.
IVC is financially and spiritually supported by generous Individuals, Foundations, Jesuit Provinces, Jesuit Communities and Service Sites.