On “Overhead”
While our financial reports present the program-to-overhead ratio each year, we hope that you’ll dig a little deeper to see what costs are reflected in each of the line items that make up those two broad categories. For example, did you know that mission-critical functions like financial reporting, independent auditors, information technology, telephone and e-mail, board oversight, and human resources are part of the “overhead” part of IVC? Without those functions, it would be impossible to measure and report on the beneficial impact that IVC delivers, let alone communicate with and support our Ignatian volunteers.
It is also important to acknowledge that our local programs benefit greatly and are more efficient and effective because of the support and resources provided by our national office. We are working on finding other ways of communicating the vital capabilities that are provided by “overhead” functions that are too often seen as unnecessary or even wasteful, but for now, we can share that IVC is as lean and thrifty as it can be and that we are dedicated to good stewardship at every level of our organization.
For years, the ‘overhead myth’ has been the subject of coverage in leading nonprofit resources like Guidestar, the Independent Sector, and the Chronicle of Philanthropy. We hope that as you think about your financial support for charitable causes, you’ll go beyond the overhead ratio, and look deeper into both the impact that nonprofit organizations working in your favorite causes are having, and the way that ‘overhead functions like accounting, information technology, fundraising and marketing can strengthen the impact of those organizations.