Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

What’s New

By the Hand

This week’s blog post by Ignatian Volunteer Marta Hernandez Sayeed was originally published in IVC Chicago's Footprints blog. Sometimes, it is hard to believe that I am finishing my fourth year as an assistant chaplain at Stroger Hospital.  By the end of my third...

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Reflections and Transformations

This is the second in a two-part reflection from Sue and Craig Schoenfelder, a married couple who are Ignatian Volunteers in St. Louis.  To read the first piece in this series, click here. We began our service at Midtown Catholic Charities in St. Louis in October...

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The Journey – Whose Is It Really?

A Christian retirement expert wrote: “the Holy Spirit gives us time, talent and strength to define our life meaning.” As IVC volunteers, we all have made a conscious decision to search for life’s meaning for us. We have found IVC as the conduit to our continued...

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Push Back

When children play, if one pushes, the other pushes back, according to their version of playground justice. In airports, a push-back is the first movement of a plane from the passenger terminal toward the runway. In spirituality, Ignatius of Loyola identifies pushing...

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Happy Father’s Day, Fr. Joe!

Joe Folzenlogen, S.J. serves as Spiritual Animator for the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in Cincinnati.  Here that means he is a founding father of IVC, celebrates liturgy with us and leads our book discussions at monthly gatherings and retreats. This is one of his many...

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I’m Blessed

This blog post by Peggy Scanlan Brown was originally published in the IVC Chicago Footprints Blog. Am I the only impatient volunteer in the bunch?  I ask God for patience every day because I believe that I, and everyone I am working with, could do more to assist those...

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Me and the Money-Box

This post was written by Kenneth Pruitt, Director of Volunteer Management and Service Learning at IVC partner agency Kingdom House in St. Louis.  It is part of a series of meditations he has written on each of Luther's "95 Theses." You can view all posts in the series...

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Looking with Compassion

Sometimes the daily readings for Eucharistic liturgies provide almost too much to take in. One such day is Wednesday of Easter week when we hear the wonderful story of the cure of the crippled man by Peter (Acts of the Apostles 3:1-10) as well as the stunning story of...

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Compassion, Contemplation and Community

I've been spending time with Henri Nouwen lately.  Yes, I know he’s dead but as he himself says, “Every time I read the life of a saint I experience a powerful call to be as loving and devoted as that holy one of God was in life…not just canonized saints that call us...

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