Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

What’s New

Imagine IVC

After almost two years of planning and preparation today, IVC is proud to launch
‘Imagine IVC,’ IVC’s formal Vision and Planning Process. We invite you to join us in co-creating a vision and plan for the future of IVC.

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IVC Member Reflection: Susan Olenski, IVC Chicago

Recently we asked IVC Chicago member Susan Olenski to share some thoughts and fond reflections on her time serving at Our Lady of Tepeyac High School. We hope this will be the first in a series of short interviews that allow members to share their experiences.

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IVC Continues to Unite our Members and Their Communities 

As the days get longer and the temperatures get warmer, the hopefulness of Spring energizes us, and the human desire to gather together also grows stronger. That need to connect has always been at the heart of Ignatian Volunteer Corps; it motivates our members to go out into their communities to serve and join together in spiritual reflection. Undoubtedly, that spirit of connection drew you to IVC initially and inspired you to continue your involvement today.

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The Game of Life has Changed for Those Over 50

Here's a fact that may surprise you: The original Game of Life, created in 1860, concluded when the players reached the "happy old age" of 50!  If you've already reached that milestone age, think of all the things you've done since getting there. You would have only...

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The Great Retirement…

Imagine seeing the world the way God sees it. Saint Ignatius begins the second week of the Spiritual Exercises with this contemplation on the Incarnation…

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