As 2023 comes to a close, I am filled with gratitude and excitement, reflecting on the remarkable year at IVC. Since 2022, 160 individuals joined IVC, expanding our community by an impressive 15%. Your philanthropic support, which has helped amplify and spread our word nationwide, is directly tied to the success we celebrate today. But there is so much more to do.
Each IVC member provides $22,896 in skilled services annually, making a measurable impact. Rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, our Corps brings immeasurable dedication, expertise, and compassion to their communities. Looking ahead to 2024, with a dedicated Corps, more extraordinary achievements await us.
This Christmas Season, celebrate with us as we embody the spirit of the Incarnation, journeying alongside those we serve. Your continued generosity empowers us to bring the light of Christ to those who need it most.
Join us in spreading hope, love, and companionship. Your partnership and support are essential as we continue our mission. May your new year be filled with the joy of knowing that your generosity has a profound impact, bringing Christ’s presence to those who need it most.
In gratitude,
Consider a Planned Gift to IVC
Planned gifts, such as bequests, charitable trusts, or life insurance policies, provide a unique opportunity to extend your support in a meaningful way, ensuring that your dedication to IVC endures well into the future.
Join the Companions Circle
Consider becoming a sustaining donor. Your monthly gift will support IVC’s ongoing mission of service. Just select the monthly or quarterly option on our secure website.