Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

What’s New


When we treat other persons for who they are more than for what they can do for us, we grow closer in friendship, and usually receive even more of what they do for us than if we relate with them as sources for meeting our wants and needs. Likewise, the more we use...

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The Best is Yet to Be

It’s a running joke in my family. The Ignatian Volunteer Corps website describes the program as one for "mature" individuals. How did I manage to qualify?  My silly, goofy side belies my membership in AARP. Kidding aside, the website further specifies volunteers as...

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Toward the end of another year of IVC service, it might be time to reflect again on what it’s all about. We serve. We gather. We share. We learn.We pray. We grow. And we serve again. The cycle is endless . . . and it’sintended to be so. Why? Well, two things come...

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Lazarus at the Door

(For all those lost on the cold hard streets of the city) Knocking at the steel door unable to rise from the prison of my wheel chair I grimaced through teeth that had stained by years of indulgence and neglect My yellowing eyes full of sorrow and distress were...

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Jesus needs us

In last chapter of “The Joy of the Gospel” Pope Francis wants to inspire us, to put us on to a spirituality that might carry us through the rough slog that being an apostle of evangelization can be. Inspire is a good word for this chapter and for this month when we...

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Post Easter

The Christian world prayed, celebrated and greeted Easter Sunday with joy and exuberance. In addition to special liturgies there were eggs hunts, chocolates galore and tables abundant with the foods of spring. Then it was Monday and for many it was business and school...

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Share My Joy

Jesus said that he wanted his joy to be in others. (John 15.11) Can we “give” experiences of joy to people, or, can anyone cause another to become joyful? While we might not literally be able to take our joy and directly initiate the same response in someone else,...

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Mosaic of God’s Love

by Louise Sandberg A tearful woman said, "I wasn't going to come when I saw the snow, but I knew I had to be here. I had to do this for ME." I feel her intensity, her pain, as she struggles to articulate the chasm between herself and her spouse. This retreat on...

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