Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

IVC Stories

Thrive for Life and IVC: Transformation is for Us All

Thrive for Life and IVC: Transformation is for Us All

Prisoners and formerly incarcerated individuals do not immediately invite empathy or even sympathy. Yet, a Jesuit-led prison ministry, Thrive for Life, has committed itself to the transformation of members of this oft-neglected population, accompanying them in their...

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IVC Denver Service Profile: Ann and the SAME Café

IVC Denver Service Profile: Ann and the SAME Café

One of the founding IVC Denver service corps members, Ann has served as Development and Internship Coordinator at So All May Eat / SAME Cafe for the past four years. Beginning her service in the SAME Cafe, Ann experienced how this innovative participation-based...

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IVC Denver Member Profile: Molly Smolen

IVC Denver Member Profile: Molly Smolen

St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy’s vision is for all of our students to go to college and get to heaven. This small poster greets everyone who enters St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy. St. Rose is a pre-K through eighth-grade school serving 26 zip codes throughout...

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IVC New Orleans Member Profile: Jerry Alexander

IVC New Orleans Member Profile: Jerry Alexander

In his “Richness of Many Years of Life” address, Pope Francis declared that “Old age is not a disease; it is a privilege.” Jerry Alexander, IVC New Orleans volunteer, embodies that statement. When he told his regional director in spring of 2022 that he was diagnosed...

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A Contemplation on Spiritual Surrender

A Contemplation on Spiritual Surrender

Central to living a rich spiritual life with God is developing an intimate personal relationship with him. This requires that we accept that we have been created in God’s love, that we are totally dependent on that love for our very existence, that he has a plan and...

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