For more information about IVC San Diego, please contact:
Curran Gaughan
Director, San Diego IVC Region
Office: 858-822-9814

We Celebrate Our Honorees
Madonna Della Strada Award
2024 Sisters of Mercy
2023 Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ
2022 Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego
2020 Joe Gilbreath
2019 Sister Carmel Lohan, RSM
2018 Most Reverend John P. Dolan, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego
2017 Nativity Prep Academy
2016 Sr. Ann Durst, SHCJ
2014 Barry La Forgia
2013 The Caster Family
2012 Rosemary Johnston
2011 Msgr. Donal Sheahan
2010 San Diego Catholic Worker
2009 Michele Dunne
2007 Fr. Gil Gentile, SJ
Sheila O’Malley Vision and Dedication Award
2024 Fr. Neal Wilkinson, SJ
2023 Lucy Howell
2022 Mike McColloch and Msgr. Mark Campbell
2020 Margie Carroll
2019 Pat and Ken Doyle ~ Ginger and Bob Infantino
2018 Carmela Cavero and Sr. Maureen Keegan
2017 Kathleen Murphy Spreen Christenson
The Madonna Della Strada Award is named after the first church that Ignatius and the early Jesuits obtained to serve the urban poor in the heart of Rome, the Sancta Maria Della Strada. Today, the IVC Madonna Della Strada Award is presented to a person or organization reflecting the Ignatian values of direct service to the poor and engaging in work that is dedicated to creating a just society.
The Sheila O’Malley Vision and Dedication Award honors an individual, who like Sheila O’ Malley (1949-2016) envisions the growth of IVC to serve people in need, deepen Ignatian spirituality and spread the Kingdom of God on earth everywhere. With humility, love, relentless energy, empathy and enthusiasm, the recipient of this award mentors others and leads with a sense of humor. This award is presented with joy to a person of prayer, faith and discernment.