For more information about IVC San Diego, please contact:
Curran Gaughan
Director, San Diego IVC Region
Office: 858-822-9814

Helpful Resources
Anti-Racism Information
Jesuits West Collaborative Organizing for Racial Equity
Pope Francis and the US Bishops Respond to the Killing of George Floyd
Georgetown Dialogue on Racism on Our Streets and In Our Structures
Brene’ Brown podcast with Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Anti-Racist
Pastoral Letter on Racism – Open Wide Our Hearts
Study Guide for Open Wide Our Hearts
Bryan Stevenson’s book Just Mercy
Jim Wallis’ book America’s Original Sin
Miles McPherson, Pastor of the Rock Church, San Diego, The Third Option
Debby Irving’s book Waking Up White
Books To Help Explain Racism and Protest to Children; The conversation about race needs to start early and keep happening. Read in The New York Times:
Books noted in Commonweal Magazine
- Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century, Dorothy Roberts
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Michelle Alexander
- Racial Justice and the Catholic Church, Bryan N. Massingale
- When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-century America, Ira Katznelson
- The Color of Christ: The Son of God and the Saga of Race in America, Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey
- White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism, Robin DiAngelo
- Storming Caesars Palace: How Black Mothers Fought Their Own War on Poverty, Annelise Orleck
You are in our thoughts and prayers every single day. The pandemic that has presented itself in these times requires much of us to meet so many challenges and concerns in the moment. Our IVC Service Member Corps, Spiritual Animator Anne Wente, RSCJ and IVC Regional Directors located in cities across the nation have compiled a list of prayer resources. You might just see something that is calling you and let us know if you have recommendations: cgaughan@ivc.usa
San Diego Daily Masses…
- Give Us This Day, Daily Prayer for Today’s Catholic – a monthly publication of Scripture and reflections, is offering its digital version without charge.
If you are interested in prayerful resources related to Ignatian Spirituality ….
- Here is an Examen that was created in response to COVID-19.
- In addition to the Examen, the Ignatian Solidarity Network has created these Prayers and Resources in response to COVID-19.
- Ignatian Spirituality contains many prayerful resources, including Ignatian Wisdom for Troubled Times and, in addition to the Examen noted above, a Coronavirus response lesson for children in parishes and schools
- Pray As You Go has daily prayers by the Jesuits of Britain. Also now is Pray As You Stay, a weekly online retreat in response to COVID-19. There is also a library of Prayer Tools: the tool highlighted for this week is loneliness.
- Sacred Space is the prayer website for the Irish Jesuits, with a Reflection on the coronavirus.
- The Jesuit Prayer Team provides reflections on Scripture as well as short biographies on the “Blessed Among Us,” the ordinary people who led extraordinary lives who have gone before us
- God In All Things contains many prayerful resources, including an Audio Meditation on “Beloved.”
- Heart to Heart also contains a series of prayerful resources, including Practices for the Pandemic – The Sign of the Cross Mediation and Seeds of Hope Lenten Series.
- There is a Three Minute Retreat from Loyola Press.
- Do you like podcasts? Jesuit podcasts can be found at AMDG: A Jesuit Podcast and Jesuitical.
- Would you like to connect body and mind and prayer? Ignatian Yoga may be something for you.
Other prayerful resources ….
- Catholic Women Preach Sunday reading reflections by Catholic Women (archives also).
- The Hallow app is a Catholic mediation app.
- Heart to Heart Catholic Media Ministry on YouTube, which includes weekly 15-20 minutes guided reflections during the pandemic starting with The Sign of the Cross.
- Another podcast? Here is one from Inside the Vatican.
- Holy Week at Home prepared by Liturgical Press.
- Stations of the Cross: Overcoming Racism provided by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Pope Francis’s Daily Mass from Casa Santa Marta with English dubbing
Would you prefer a single prayer? Here are some …
- Prayer for Healing
- Prayer for Peace and Solidarity in a Time of the Pandemic
- Pope’s Prayer to Mary
- Prayer for Conscience and Courage During Times of Public Struggle
Reflections about living during this time …
- From Jim Martin, SJ, Faith in the Time of the Coronavirus
- From Simcha Fischer, Good and Beautiful Things I’ve Seen Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
- From Richard Rohr, OFM, Love Alone Overcomes Fear
- From Thomas Reese, Spirituality in a Time of Quarantine
- From Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Jesuits, What Part of the Path to God does COVID-19 show us?