Contact Information
30 West 16th Street, 6th floor
New York, NY 10011
(917) 859-0928

Maureen Fullam
Jesuit Animator
Rev. Damian O’Connell, SJ
IVC New York
IVC Metro New York is currently comprised of the five boroughs of New York City, Northern New Jersey, and Long Island.
The Ignatian Tradition
Ignatian Spirituality is best summed up in one phrase—Finding God in All Things. It invites us to search for and find God in every circumstance of life, not just in explicitly religious situations or activities.
Ignatian Spirituality
- stresses freedom, need for discernment and responsible action
- gives ample scope to imagination and emotion as well as intellect
- empowers people to become leaders in service, men and women for and with others, building a more just and humane world.
Resources for Learning More about the Ignatian Tradition:
- Do you Speak Ignatian? by George Taub, S.J.
- An Ignatian Spiritual Reader by George Taub, S.J.
- The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by James Martin, S.J.
- Becoming Who You Are by James Martin, S.J.
- Where the Hell is God? by Richard Leonard, S.J.
- Why Bother Praying by Richard Leonard, S.J.
- Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits Edited by Michael Harter, S.J.
- The Joy of the Gospel:Evangelii Gaudium, Apostoloc Exhortation by Pope Francis
- What is Ignatian Spirituality? by David Fleming, S.J.
- Sacred Space, an online daily prayer resource and guide by the Irish Jesuits.
- Pray As You Go, daily prayer downloads for MP3 players featuring music, scripture and questions for reflection developed by the Jesuits of the UK.
Ignatian Resources for Lent
- Loyola Press: Lenten Moments of Mercy. Sign up to receive the daily messages from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday here.
- Ignatian Solidarity Network: a daily blog called Lift Every Voice: A Lenten Journey Toward Racial Justice.
- Apostleship of Prayer: Pray with the Gospels During Lent.
- Creighton University: Praying Lent online and a Lenten audio retreat.
- Georgetown University: Lent Daily Devotional sent out by email each morning during Lent. Join in by signing up here.
- College of the Holy Cross: a daily Lenten reflection booklet,“Return to Me: Lenten Reflections from Holy Cross, 2016,”
- Midwest Province of Jesuits:
- has a compilation of online retreats, video reflections and articles for the Lenten season.
- Coinciding beautifully with Pope Francis’ call to care for creation, the Global Catholic Climate Movement is hosting a Lenten Fast.
- Spanish speakers may be interested to pray en Español with Loyola Press’ Recursos cuaresmales and Creighton University’s Un Retiro “Online”.