Mike Goggin
Senior Director - IVC of the National Capital Area

Chris Kelly
Program Manager
Suburban Maryland
(C) 301-613-8388

Anna Marie Mason
Program Manager
Northern Virginia
(C) 703-915-9410
Welcome to IVC National Capital Area
by IVC National Capital Area | Aug 24, 2022

Welcome to IVC National Capital Area

To me, the faith-centered service of the IVC volunteers is a manifestation of the Second Commandment. This is ‘to love your neighbor as you love yourself’ in action, and it doesn’t get any better than that.
Welcome to IVC National Capital Area! Our members include people living and serving in places like Washington, DC, Northern Virginia and Suburban Maryland. We welcome senior adults ages 50 and better to explore ways to serve in IVC as Service Corps Members, Regional Council Members and/or Spiritual Reflectors.
We are in some ways both among the oldest and newest of IVC regions. Some of our current members were part of the original IVC cohort back in 1995. In 2008, the region was divided into two (IVC DC / Metro Maryland and IVC Northern Virginia) along the Potomac River. In the summer of 2022, we reunited and rebranded as IVC National Capital Area. Come grow with us!
With over 65 people actively involved in service partnerships at nearly 50 non-profit agencies, we are already one of the largest IVC regions in the country. Yet we are still small enough to provide personal guidance and attention through a dedicated staff team led by Senior Director Mike Goggin and complemented by Program Managers Chris Kelly and Anna Marie Mason.
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Learn more about IVC! Senior Director Mike Goggin recently spoke to St. Rose of Lima parishioners in Gaithersburg, Md. about what the Corps has to offer!