Steve Hawkins
Director, IVC Twin Cities
Program Manager
Suburban Maryland
(C) 301-613-8388
Anna Marie Mason
Program Manager
Northern Virginia
(C) 703-915-9410
Welcome to IVC National Capital Area
by IVC National Capital Area | Jul 17, 2023
Welcome to IVC National Capital Area
We are in some ways both among the oldest and newest of IVC regions. Some of our current members were part of the original IVC cohort back in 1995. In 2008, the region was divided into two (IVC DC / Metro Maryland and IVC Northern Virginia) along the Potomac River. In the summer of 2022, we reunited and rebranded as IVC National Capital Area. Come grow with us!
With more than 50 people actively involved in service partnerships with non-profit agencies, we are already one of the largest IVC regions in the country. Yet we are still small enough to provide personal guidance and attention through a dedicated staff team led by Senior Director Mike Goggin complemented by Program Managers like Chris Kelly and Anna Marie Mason. If you want to learn more about IVC in the National Capital Area, attend one of our monthly city group meetings or an information session at an area parish or request a one-on-one meeting. In the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola, we are here for you to help you discern whether involvement in the Ignatian Volunteer Corps is right for you at this time in your life.
IVC National Capital Area is hiring for one or two additional part-time Program Manager positions. You are welcome to explore the job opportunity and apply.