Steve Hawkins
Director, IVC Twin Cities

Anna Marie Mason
Program Manager
Northern Virginia
(C) 703-915-9410
Stories from DC/Metro Maryland
Making a Difference in Catholic Schools
Washington, DC (May 10, 2022) - The Ignatian Volunteer Corps of Washington DC/Metro Maryland announces the placement of three service corps members in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Washington thanks to grant support received from the Crimsonbridge Foundation...
Breaking the ice — with hot sauce?
Washington DC/Metro corps member Bill Thompson is no stranger to the topic of immigration. An attorney who spent 4 years with the Federal Labor Department running the temporary worker H-2A, H-2B, H-1B and green card labor certification process…
New Beginnings in Employment and Retirement
Ellen Stuhlmann helps homeless men and women find and sustain employment as an Ignatian Volunteer at Friendship Place in Washington DC. “It’s been wonderful”, she says of the IVC service experience. She came to IVC after retiring from a career as a publishing...
Julia’s Story
Ignatian Volunteer Julia Albrecht is in her fourteenth year writing resumes for the unemployed and underemployed. She began at Jubilee Jobs, recognized as one of the best nonprofit organizations in DC, and has spent the last 7 years working with Catholic Charities’...
“He sat there with us the whole time, waiting”
This piece was originally printed in the IVC DC/Metro Maryland/Northern VA December Corps Connector. I bought Tattoos on the Heart by Greg Boyle, S.J., this year’s book, on my Kindle. I read it on the plane to Florida for a family reunion with my sisters and...
Caring for our Common Home
After a 27-year career with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington DC, Jamal Kadri and his wife, Kate, knew he would need something to keep him busy, but also help him find meaning in retirement. His wife learned about IVC, and Jamal joined the Corps in the...
Curing the Sick and Healing the Hopeless
Dr. James Goedert retired from a 36-year career looking for ways to defeat the deadliest diseases of our time. As an IVC volunteer, he is still working to save lives, especially those suffering from poverty and mental illness.
Papal Visit Inspires Media’s Interest in IVC
In conjunction with Pope Francis’ visit to the US, IVC invited several media outlets to see for themselves how the words of Pope Francis are being put into action. In the coming weeks, we’ll be inviting more media outlets to take a closer look at the programs that...
Tony’s Story
“The engagement with humanity is very powerful,” Tony Albrecht says. “My service is a gift.” Tony Albrecht has taught at the Spanish Catholic Center of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington for 10 years as an Ignatian Volunteer. He teaches basic...
And the Gifts we Have, We are Given to Share
Working behind the scenes, Kevin Tansey shares his gifts with IVC. Kevin is an Ignatian Volunteer, a National Board Member, and a donor. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer, a retired federal government employee, a husband, father, and life-long learner. Kevin’s...