Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

The Push for Repeal of the Death Penalty in Louisiana 

The Push for Repeal of the Death Penalty in Louisiana 

What a difference a year has made. Last spring, I received information about the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) in an email from the Loyola Alumni Association and was invited to attend an informational meeting at Loyola’s Ignatius Chapel to learn more.

Bicycles and Rosaries!

Bicycles and Rosaries!

Tom Adler serves as the Life Skills Coordinator at Project Lazarus, the oldest and largest residential facility in the Gulf Coast region...
Experience Saving a Life

Experience Saving a Life

When Cathy Brown joined the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, she did not expect to actually save a person’s life within the first 30 minutes of the first shift at her service site. But that’s exactly what happened!