Jun 28, 2023
Recently we asked IVC Chicago member Susan Olenski to share some thoughts and fond reflections on her time serving at Our Lady of Tepeyac High School. We hope this will be the first in a series of short interviews that allow members to share their experiences.
Jun 26, 2023
As the days get longer and the temperatures get warmer, the hopefulness of Spring energizes us, and the human desire to gather together also grows stronger. That need to connect has always been at the heart of Ignatian Volunteer Corps; it motivates our members to go out into their communities to serve and join together in spiritual reflection. Undoubtedly, that spirit of connection drew you to IVC initially and inspired you to continue your involvement today.
Mar 6, 2023
Are you retired or finished raising your family? Do you want to give back, enrich your spiritual life, and build community with other mature adults? Register now and learn how you can deepen your faith and make a difference in the world.