Nov 19, 2015
This blog post from William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on David Fleming’s Book, “What is Ignatian Spirituality”, which...
Nov 10, 2015
We might exclaim “Beautiful!” when we have an experience that is more than just pleasing to us, as in witnessing a reconciliation between...
Nov 3, 2015
This reflection from Ignatian Volunteer Kate Kniest was originally posted in IVC Chicago’s Footprints Blog. On a routine day at...
Oct 27, 2015
This blog post from William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on David Fleming’s Book, “What is Ignatian Spirituality”, which...
Oct 20, 2015
We begin anew with another IVC year. Hopefully, summer provided time to rest, reflect, and recharge. As I enter my second year in IVC, I...
Oct 9, 2015
Is it just me or did your angst for the world and its many woes melt away for six glorious days while Pope Francis walked among us on...