Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

Monica Meagher, IVC Milwaukee Director
Jesuit Chaplain, Fr. Wally Boehm, S.J.
Thomas Bachhuber, EdD., Co-Founder & President – Center for Life Transitions
Tom Bray, Retired; Dean of Applied Research-Milwaukee School of Engineering      Ardene Brown, PhD., Retired; Associate Dean, College of Nursing- Marquette University; Spiritual Director
Mary Beth Driscoll, Retired; Executive Director, Groundwork Milwaukee
Ruth McShane, PhD., Faculty, College of Nursing – Marquette University; CLC Guide        Kathleen Mantz, Retired, President, Red Ball Marketing


IVC Milwaukee Application Memo of Understanding (MoU) for Partnership Organizations

Please download this Application for IVC Volunteer (PDF) and IVC 2022 MOU (PDF) to your computer. You can type into the documents and save the files.

Then send as attached documents via email to Monica Meagher, Regional Director (mmeagher@ivcusa.org).

You may also print your application and send to Monica at:
2527A Frederick Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53211