Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

Serve With Us!

Come serve with us! Prospective new volunteers are welcome to apply online year round (apply below). However, please first contact the IVC Baltimore Region Director — or — attend a Zoom Information Session to learn more about the community’s commitment to service and spirituality. To help you discern, we invite you to also review our IVC Baltimore Service Corps Membership FAQs.

IVC Service Corps Members annually make a one-year commitment to serve 8 or 16 hours a week, September through June (10 months with July and August “off”) at one of IVC Baltimore’s over 30 exceptional non-profit Partner Agencies. However, IVC Baltimore accepts and places new members year round. Service hours are served over one or multiple days onsite or from home (with more administrative roles). We help you discern a service site placement that can accommodate your hopes and schedule. To view an online list and map of IVC Baltimore’s Partner Agencies, CLICK BELOW.

IVC Service Corps Members commit to engage in a unique spiritual development program of reflection, study, and prayer in the Ignatian tradition— individually and communally. ‘Contemplatives in action,’ SCMs rely on prayer and reflection to inform how they approach their service work (and their lives) anew, find purpose, and choose action that contributes to the work of justice for the ‘Greater Glory of God.’ To view IVC Baltimore’s annual Spirituality Program Schedule, CLICK BELOW.