Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

Become part of IVC – virtually! 

by | Mar 2, 2022

Back in September 2020, we shared with you how Service Corps Members from New York and Cleveland regions came to the aid of a regional partner in San Diego –Catholic Charities – that needed extra help to serve community needs brought on by the pandemic.  Via phone calls and online, IVC went virtual, and this has led to the creation of a new virtual IVC region, opening the benefits of Service, Spirituality, and Community to volunteers beyond the areas served by one of the 21 IVC regional offices.

We spoke to Anne Mollner, the IVC director for this new “region:”  “Our virtual region works much like our in-person regions, except that our spiritual community gatherings are on zoom. The goal is to allow people to use their skills and experience to serve with either a local, national, or international nonprofit. Our virtual region allows folks who do not live near an IVC region, who travel often, or who are homebound to still reap the benefits of our program.”  

IVC is excited about launching this new option and eager to see the potential going forward. Because our members serve virtually, we can partner with nonprofits anywhere in the country or world. For example, several current virtual members serve with Jesuit WorldWide Learning, and teach online classes to refugees around the world.

IVC learned a lot about providing virtual community and spiritual growth for our members due to the pandemic, Anne explains, “and we’ve been able to leverage that knowledge to provide meaningful interaction for our virtual service corps members. We meet in community once a month via zoom to connect spiritually and to pray, reflect, and discuss our placement experiences. We also offer a virtual spiritual reflector to our virtual Service Corps Members.”

Does this option to reach out virtually appeal to you? Anne invites you to email her at amollner@ivcusa.org to start the conversation. As is the case with our in-person regions, she will take the time to look for a placement match that works for you. Join us!