Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

What’s New

Dispatches from the Camino

As our pilgrims finish their fifth day on the Camino Ignaciano, they find themselves just under 60 miles from where they began. Christine Eberle and Fr. Josep Luis Iriberri, S.J. have been cataloging their thoughts through the journey…

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In Memoriam – Fr. Rudy Casals, SJ

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that Fr. Rudy Casals, SJ, IVC national board member, passed away suddenly at the age of 47. Fr. Rudy served as an IVC board member for three years and was passionate about the future of IVC. His leadership focused on the...

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Invisible Words – An Exercise in Empathy

Sometimes we see something often enough, even a sight that carries immense pain and suffering, that we begin to become numb to it. We let our minds wander; we tune it out. It's not our proudest moment, but it's not intentionally cruel. It's a symptom of the...

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What are they saying about Invisible Words?

“So touching, emotional to me… I don’t think I’ll ever forget it!” Invisible Words is an exercise in empathy and a public art exhibition featuring a curated collection of signs made by people experiencing homelessness worldwide. The exhibit runs at Martin Luther King Memorial Library in Washington DC until June 30th.

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What must we do?

Here at IVC, we believe acts of service motivated by empathy make a long and lasting difference in our communities. The evil of gun violence impacts all of us, across all different classes, races, and religions.

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IVC Webinar – Reading the Signs of the Times

Food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter are bare necessities for anyone’s survival. For many people, these basic needs can not be met without appealing for the charity of others. Look beyond the cardboard signs you see on the streets and join us as we go deeper in understanding the heartbreaking causes of homelessness and the obstacles that prevent people from moving beyond it.

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