What’s New
Trees continually grow. When they stop growing, they die. Like trees, we also grow, as long as we live. We do not increase in height; we certainly do not put out additional appendages, such as arms or legs, but even physically our bodies continually grow new cells...
Reflections on Hospice Volunteering
During the last days of my husband’s life, God provided for us the blessing of Midwest Care Hospice Center. I call it a blessing because it was beyond expectations; I say God provided for us because their services and care were generously extended to our family. My...
We can say of most of the people we know that they are honest. Depending upon the context, we expect that those we trust will say what they mean and will act justly. We value honesty in others. How important is honesty as a quality in our own lives, in its various...
Selecting leaders is one of the most difficult challenges that every society or political entity or organization must confront. Hereditary succession, military victory in civil war, political machinations, democracy – all these means have been utilized as ways to...
Extending the Table
A fantastic blog post on April 30th by Vicky Risacher jumpstarted my thoughts around what it means to “come to the table” in terms of faith. Ms. Risacher’s story perfectly encapsulates the unexpected places and people who bring us hospitality in much the same way our...
Returning Yesterdays
Revisiting grammar school days, working class children, sheltered in the shadow of Mission Church taught to get it right. Seeing myself in the eyes of the children a little boy tells me he has a mother. Another tells me he’s from Guatemala. He wants me to know he is...
Signposts for the Journey
This blog, by National Board Member Jim Haggerty, is a reflection on the spiritual readings and guide being used this month by volunteers in all regions across the country. In my mind I can see Ignatius riding his mule on a dusty road from Rioja to Aragon in Spain...
He’s in the Band
Jesuits like to say that we can see God in all things, and so I can report that God is in this really great rock n roll cover band that plays around my neighborhood in suburban Philadelphia. I only know this because I’m in the band too, along with four other guys who...
A Place at the Table
During my two years as an IVC volunteer, I served at Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly, an organization dedicated to providing friendship and relieving loneliness among seniors. Years later, I am still involved there as a volunteer. There is a beautiful motto to...