What’s New
Share My Joy
Jesus said that he wanted his joy to be in others. (John 15.11) Can we “give” experiences of joy to people, or, can anyone cause another to become joyful? While we might not literally be able to take our joy and directly initiate the same response in someone else,...
Mosaic of God’s Love
by Louise Sandberg A tearful woman said, "I wasn't going to come when I saw the snow, but I knew I had to be here. I had to do this for ME." I feel her intensity, her pain, as she struggles to articulate the chasm between herself and her spouse. This retreat on...
What’s In a Name
What's in a name? In our culture, a lot. We are encouraged to "go make a name for yourself" or to "see my name in lights". To do so means success and accomplishment. In contrast, as Christians we learn that to be called by name is not about fame, riches, or worldly...
All In?
“He’s just not that into you!” Wasn’t that a title of a popular book a few years ago? I never read it but according to talk shows it was a blunt awakening intended to let folks know that if they’re being strung along by a hoped for love, with no commitment—the reality...
Agents of Evangelization
by Jim Haggerty A young boy, maybe eight or nine years old, slowly raised his violin and began fiddling a lovely old traditional American tune called the “Arkansas Traveler.” He was a participant in a Saturday afternoon music workshop at our local library. Sitting...
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You can help IVC get a $50,000 grant!For a limited time, a generous donor has made it possible for you to earn IVC an extra 50 cents for every dollar you donate. Please take a moment to visit our Donate page and make a contribution now. All new donations received by...
Companions on the Journey
This post from Ignatian Volunteer Don Gibel first appeared on IVC Chicago's Footprints Blog. I am going on my 12th year with IVC, which has been very important in my life, and my 10th year at my current placement, Faith and Fellowship. Faith and Fellowship is a one...
Love is in the air in this Valentine month. St. Augustine wrote in part, "To fall in love with God is the greatest of romances." To fall in love with God leads to the desire to serve him. My desire to serve God has led me to “Get on the Bus.” Get on the Bus...