What’s New
New Year’s Resolution 2016
by Anne Hansen What resolutions are at the top of your mind for 2016? Will the list include less food and more exercise, dedicated time for quiet prayer each day, a healthier balance of family life with work, or, will the focus be on more mundane things like making...
God Communicates in Many Ways
by William A. Barry, SJ This blog post from William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on David Fleming's Book, "What is Ignatian Spirituality", which Ignatian Volunteers are using for spiritual reflection in many regions this service year. Click for printable view God is...
God’s Gift
Click for Printable View "Who do you think you are, God's gift to the universe?" Dripping with sarcasm and meant to be an ego deflator, that phrase can cut to the core. But consider Mary who humbly questioned "how could this be?" yet responded "let it be done to me...
Doubling our Thanks
By Fr. Randy Roche, SJ Click for Printable View As an interesting variation on “counting our blessings,” we can call to mind how much we receive whenever we give thanks to others. We gain a particular blessing for ourselves by expressing gratitude and by acknowledging...
Christmas Gifts
by Si Smith, SJ Click for printable view There once was a time when we didn’t start Christmas Season until after Thanksgiving. Nowadays commercialism has us gearing up for Santa already after Hallowe’en. If we reflect on how our mental images have been altered over...
Right before my Eyes
by R.J. Moritz Click for Printable View I look out the window and see What is right before my eyes There is nothing more to see I see the red geranium Hanging in the cool morning air I see the spotted fawn Jump gracefully into the woods I see the...
God calls, we respond
This blog post from William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on David Fleming's Book, "What is Ignatian Spirituality", which Ignatian Volunteers are using for spiritual reflection in many regions this service year. Click for Printable View What is God’s call to us? What God...
We might exclaim “Beautiful!” when we have an experience that is more than just pleasing to us, as in witnessing a reconciliation between two persons formerly estranged, or viewing a work of art, a scene in nature or a new-born baby. We readily distinguish between...
A Lesson Learned
This reflection from Ignatian Volunteer Kate Kniest was originally posted in IVC Chicago's Footprints Blog. On a routine day at Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep, I learned a profound lesson from a colleague who is deeply concerned about students and their families,...