What’s New
How can the heart not be touched?
This blog post comes from Ignatian Volunteer Mark Wong of Baltimore, who presented these remarks to the IVC National Board at their meeting in February. Good morning. I’m Mark. First, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your sacrifice and all the work that...
“Being Helpful” and “Jesus Is All Heart”
This blog post from Fr. William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on David Fleming’s Book, “What is Ignatian Spirituality”, which Ignatian Volunteers are using for spiritual reflection in many regions this service year. Fleming notes that Ignatius often wrote of ministry as...
Living Mercy at St. Francis House in the Jubilee Year of Mercy
by Jim Tracy This blog is a presentation given by Ignatian Volunteer Jim Tracy at IVC New England's Event, "Living Mercy in the Jubilee Year of Mercy". St. Francis House is the largest day shelter in Boston. How it “lives mercy” includes: Providing over 600...
“A Way to Discern God’s Will,” “Working with Others”
This blog post from Fr. William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on David Fleming’s Book, “What is Ignatian Spirituality”, which Ignatian Volunteers are using for spiritual reflection in many regions this service year. Click for Printable View In “A Way to Discern God’s...
What’s it All About?
by Si Smith, SJ Here’s a little challenge: ask any ten friends to describe in detail what happened on the first Easter Sunday. You’ll likely get ten different answers. In addition, it seems everyone has their own personal interpretation of what it all...
by Fr. Randy Roche, SJ Though we make rules or guidelines that support the ways we express our love, it is always voluntary. We cannot be coerced to love, no matter how many obligations and responsibilities we take on as manifestations of our love. Loving is the most...
Small resurrections
by Jim Haggerty Click for printable view Lots of stores on Delaware Street in our town of Walton, N.Y. are shuttered. Delaware Street is our downtown business avenue, but the busy traffic seems just to pass by on the way to larger towns like Binghamton and Oneonta....
by Linda Wihl Back in the day, mid-seventies, schools used to have “release time” for their students to attend religion classes at their own churches. I was a director of religious education and sent the bus to gather our students at the local school in upstate New...
“The Greatest Mark of God’s Love,” “Seeking the Grace of Compassion”
This blog post from William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on David Fleming’s Book, “What is Ignatian Spirituality”, which Ignatian Volunteers are using for spiritual reflection in many regions this service year. Click for printable view Fittingly, this year we read these...