Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

What’s New


This blog post from Fr. William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, written by Bryan Stevenson.  Ignatian Volunteers across the country are reading and reflecting in community on this book this year.  This piece is written on...

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by Kathleen Groh Take me, O take me as I am; Summon out what I shall be. Set your seal upon my heart, and live in me. I read these familiar words in an email last week and began humming the haunting melody. I remembered singing it as a mantra many times before this,...

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This blog post from Fr. William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, written by Bryan Stevenson.  Ignatian Volunteers across the country are reading and reflecting in community on this book this year.  This piece is written on...

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A Perfect Birthday Gift

by Tony Albrecht The Phone rings ...Not another Vendor! I say Good news, It’s my oldest son. “Hey Dad,” he says “where do you want to celebrate your birthday this year?” Filled with good will at this unexpected question I start to say “Here in Bethesda it’s closer for...

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Golden Gauze

by Louise Sandberg I thank God that I had my IVC gathering the day after the election. Also that my IVC animator, Fr Damian, had led a prayer vigil the Sunday before the election. Our coordinator, Maryellen, shared with our group that she is glad to be with good...

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This blog post from Fr. William Barry, SJ, is a reflection on Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, written by Bryan Stevenson.  Ignatian Volunteers across the country are reading and reflecting in community on this book this year.  This piece is written on...

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What’s New?

by Fr. Randy Roche, SJ New Year’s celebrations vary according to local customs throughout the world, seemingly in hopes that all will be well, or that things will be better than in the previous year. But hope does not depend upon customs and traditions as somehow...

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