IVC Stories
Line for the Easter Bunny forms on the right!
Ignatian Volunteer Corps service members from the North East Pennsylvania region helped raise $1,000 over the last 14 days.
What are IVC members doing now?
We are continuing to meet as a volunteer community, now twice monthly, via Zoom video conferencing. It’s not the same as meeting in person, but it’s been beautiful to stay in touch.
Serving Behind The Scenes
Like all schools in the US, Christ the King (CTK) College Prep has had to adapt to online learning due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Making a Difference at Caroline Center
Robbie Sabin LOVES teaching math. A former computer science professor at Loyola Maryland, she has continued her passion, teaching basic math and measurement to the women at Caroline Center. She has served there as an Ignatian volunteer one day a week for the past four...
Workaholic for Almost 50 Years…
This testimony is a presentation made by Ignatian Volunteer Robbie Sabin at IVC Baltimore’s Advent Evening of Joyful Anticipation. Good evening, my name is Robbie Sabin. I am an Ignatian Volunteer in my second year of service. This year I am teaching math to women at...
Making a Difference in Govans
Making a Difference at GEDCO - Third time’s a charm! After a career as a social worker, and more recently, as a parent homeschooling her two children, Martha Yalov joined the ranks of Baltimore’s Ignatian Volunteers in the fall of 2014. She came into the experience...
Following Dorothy Day to a Life of Faith and Service
Dr. Joe Sclafani wasn’t motivated by faith when he moved to Malawi in 2014 to help improve the health of poor women in the developing county. Mostly he went for pragmatic reasons: to broaden his use and understanding of his obstetrics/gynecology specialty outside the...
Finding Retirement Sweet Spot in Tough Minneapolis Neighborhood
Nestled in among North Minneapolis’ tough, gang-patrolled neighborhoods, Dan Sullivan has found his retirement sweet spot.
Tweak Old Traditions to Enrich Your Lenten Journey
If our Lenten promises to pray, fast and give follow the path of our New Year’s resolutions, about one in four of us are already failing.