Those who have joined the Ignatian Volunteer Corps share that it is one of the most rewarding experiences they have ever enjoyed. Called to participate in the community, Members of IVC find themselves working in a broad cross-section of organizations that ultimately benefit the San Diego community at large.
Partner agencies are always requesting more IVC volunteers because they too see the incredible value in welcoming experienced adults into their organizations. One of the unique aspects of volunteering through IVC is the support given to volunteers through the IVC community. Each month, volunteers gather for Mass followed by a meeting that gives each an opportunity to share what the volunteer experience is like for him or her. This time gives volunteers an opportunity to discuss how their service influences their own personal and spiritual growth as a person engaged in helping those in our midst needing assistance. Whether it is a student requiring extra tutoring or a refugee learning how to navigate a new culture, IVC members are there to respond.
As IVC members engage in service which is rooted in Ignatian values, they may also choose a Spiritual Reflector who will meet individually with them. IVC Spiritual Reflectors are here and ready to walk on the journey of growth with each IVC member. It is a great benefit well received by IVC members.
Please contact: Margot Howard at or 619.316.8520