Would you like to serve as an Ignatian Volunteer or be a partner agency with IVC Albany? For more information, please contact:

Kathleen H. Burgess
Region Director
Who we are
We are faith-filled men and women serving in over 20 non-profits in the greater Capital District. We offer volunteers a unique and rewarding experience that is integrated with a spiritual support program. And, we deliver seasoned and experienced help to our community partners.
IVC partners with local agencies that directly serve the poor or address poverty-related issues. Our volunteers commit one or two days a week (generally, eight to sixteen hours) for a period of ten months to your organization.
Click here for a list of community partners.
An Elevating Talk
Kathleen Burgess, the director of the Ignatian Volunteer Corp. in Albany, shares how IVC is growing. Click here to learn what IVC offers to both individuals who seek to serve others and to community organizations in the Albany area.
Why IVC?
IVC’s mission is to provide mature men and women the opportunity to serve the needs of people who are poor, to work for a more just society, and to grow deeper in Christian faith by reflecting and praying in the Ignatian tradition.
In addition to their service, IVC members gather with each other each month to reflect on their service experience, and also have the opportunity to meet individually with a spiritual reflector. IVC’s community and spiritual aspects set IVC apart from other volunteer opportunities. Reflection is integral to the experience of service in order to, in the words of St. Ignatius,” find God in all things.”
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