Contemplations on Service & Spirituality
Helping Show the Way to God
Some 20 years ago, a sense of spiritual restlessness called Paddi Amador to attend a Jesuit retreat. Since then, Ignatian Spirituality has animated her life, her work, and her faith. Paddi serves as a “spiritual reflector” for the Service Corps Members (SCMs) in IVC’s...
Hope in a Time of Transition – Laura G. Hancock
We are in the midst of yet another transition. It seems as though we are merely turning from one pivot point into the next… and sometimes it feels as though we are attending to multiple pivot points at the same time. No wonder we may feel off-balance or without...
Pilgrims with Ignatius
You are invited to start the Ignatian Year prayerfully online with us on Sunday, May 23rd at 8PM (EDT) when Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ, Superior General of the Jesuits, will lead us in prayer, and people from all over the world share testimonies of life-changing spiritual moments. There will be time for silent, personal prayer too.
A prayer for Inauguration Day.
Come To Me, All You Who Are Weary and Burdened, And I Will Give You Rest: A Contemplation On Our Time
Watch IVC’s Ignatian Advent Meditation
We are pleased to offer you a recorded version of our Ignatian Advent Meditation as well as a transcript of Fr. Conroy's reflection. Thank you for joining us in prayer!Journeying In A Storm A reflection by Rev. Jim Conroy, SJ, Cofounder of IVC Thank you for joining...
We Cannot Yet Be Satisfied – Michael J. Goggin
As members of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC), we have witnessed the justifiable outrage, especially in 2020, at the systemic racism that is still pervasive in our country and we express solidarity with those seeking lasting change. IVC is a service corps of people...
Six Observations that Bring Hope – Rebecca Ruiz
Looking to the Upper Room to Make Sense of our Times: Six Observations that Bring Hope as we Journey toward Pentecost IVC…
Stand and Wait – Caroline Park
Stand and Wait Caroline Park is a vocalist, pianist, violinist and guitar player. She performs folk, jazz, and other genres with her quartet, The Caroline Park Quartet, and enjoys songwriting and arranging music. On a different note...she is a fisheries attorney with...
Waiting for Pentecost: The Key to the Next Door – Rev. Kevin Burke, SJ
We ponder Pentecost, the coming of Spirit, in a time of global pandemic, of Eucharistic hunger and fasting. The days of waiting between Ascension and Pentecost recall “Holy Saturday.” That day of silence between the cry from the cross and the cry of Resurrection...