I don’t pay much attention to blogs by-in-large. So often there are too many words which add to the din and make life more cluttered and less reflective. It’s hard to find God when there is so much pounding on me.
But this is the inaugural Ignatian Volunteer Corps blog post, so let me suggest as succinctly as possible the IVC basics.
IVC is service: “I stand among as one who serves” (Luke 22: 27). Jesus identifies himself as the one who serves all others, beginning with the Holy Trinity from which he was sent to the people he was sent to save. Jesus in this Last Super text invites his companions to do what he is doing.
IVC is reflection: “I had the experience but missed the meaning” (T.S. Eloit,The Four Quartets). Humbly assuming a reflective disposition in which we invite the spirit to draws us into the living experience of God’s presence in each conversation and every encounter with another as if it is an encounter with God.
Just imagine that the gifts, skills and experiences acquired in your life time are the platform for a reordering of your life. So that at this time in your life you intentionally take time to care for the needs of others and see the face of God in the man to whom you give a cup of water, or the prisoner you visit, or the homeless woman for whom you provide a bed.
Simple truths; divine revelation. Doing what Jesus did allows us to touch the face of God. That’s all IVC is; a journey with the Lord in love and service. It redefines who you are.