IVC Milwaukee Presents:
A Lenten Reflection with Tim Muldoon, acclaimed Ignatian author and teacher.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Time: 11:00am Central Daylight Time

Recent months have been difficult on many of us. Pandemic restrictions and a contentious election season have left many of us exhausted, feeling disconnected from the ones we love and from our neighbors.
The Lenten season offers us a unique opportunity: to recall the ways that God has called us into relationship, and to build loving communities rooted in generosity of spirit. Come and explore the possibilities!
For questions, contact Monica Meagher.

Tim Muldoon, currently a professor at Boston College and the author of several books on Ignatian spirituality including The Ignatian Workout and Living Against the Grain, will share the work on his next book about community renewal, focusing on Lent as a period to re-orient our lives towards God’s call to be neighbors. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect with others from their regions on the specific challenges and opportunities that exist within their local communities