Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

IVC Omaha Members Become Family

IVC Omaha Members Become Family

It is easy to see why service corps members Gene and Kathy Schwarting are a valued part of the Saint Peter and Paul School community. ...
Mixing paint and prayer, local artist Jennifer Richard-Morrow creates a stunning portrait of St. Ignatius for Ignatian Volunteer Corps Albany

Mixing paint and prayer, local artist Jennifer Richard-Morrow creates a stunning portrait of St. Ignatius for Ignatian Volunteer Corps Albany

Icons, a style of liturgical painting commonly associated with the Orthodox Church and monasteries, are as unique as the “image writers” who produce them. Meet Iconographer Jennifer Richard-Morrow who this year brought her years of work as an artist and a student of icon paintings to deliver an icon for the local chapter of the Ignatian Volunteer Corp.

IVC Member Reflection: Susan Olenski, IVC Chicago

Recently we asked IVC Chicago member Susan Olenski to share some thoughts and fond reflections on her time serving at Our Lady of Tepeyac High School. We hope this will be the first in a series of short interviews that allow members to share their experiences.

With one foot raised – Meet Spiritual Reflector Ann Hodgson

With one foot raised – Meet Spiritual Reflector Ann Hodgson

Ann Hodgson is a Spiritual Reflector for IVC Albany and is part of the team that plans the monthly prayerful gatherings for the IVC Albany community.  Ann and her husband, John, live in Guilderland and are parishioners of Christ the King Church.