IVC National Capital Area Member Profile: Rose McGruddy, Just Neighbors
Just Neighbors, an IVC partner agency, provides high-quality immigration legal services to low-income immigrants, asylees and refugees in...
A Contemplation on Spiritual Surrender
Central to living a rich spiritual life with God is developing an intimate personal relationship with him. This requires that we accept...
Merton and Me—A Living Trinity
“I would have to guess that for most people their first encounter with Thomas Merton is rarely their last encounter with Thomas Merton....
In Memoriam – Jim Kelley
Jim Kelley, who served IVC for over twenty years as a service corps member, regional director and regional council member, and who oversaw the expansion of IVC into Northern Virginia, died November 1 in Fairfax, Va. He was 86.

Ignatian Volunteers Create Sustainable Solutions for Nonprofits
The challenges created by the pandemic also revealed an opportunity: With partner agencies pivoting to virtual programming, IVC no longer needed to be constrained by a geographic footprint. This opened the door to service for…