Experience Making a Difference

Experience Making a Difference

Meet IVC Milwaukee Service Corps Member Melita Biese

Meet IVC Milwaukee Service Corps Member Melita Biese

About a year ago, Melita Biese embarked on an IVC service journey with the Thrive for Life Prison Project (TFL).
This organization is dedicated to offering spiritual development and educational resources to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals. Operating across New York State and New Jersey, the nonprofit serves a pivotal role in supporting incarcerated persons held in correctional facilities across these communities.

Merton and Me—A Living Trinity

“I would have to guess that for most people their first encounter with Thomas Merton is rarely their last encounter with Thomas Merton....
Love helps pass the test!

Love helps pass the test!

Commitment to education is in Martha Malloy’s blood. Over the years, she has served various roles in Catholic adult education and formation as she traveled around the country with her husband’s Air Force career, raising four children in the process. When her husband retired…