Many people are familiar with the Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James), the pilgrimage depicted in Martin Sheen’s movie The Way. Our pilgrimage is an Ignatian alternative to the traditional Camino. IVC members and staff, along with pilgrims from many other backgrounds, will trace the route that St. Ignatius walked across Spain when he left his birthplace of Loyola following his initial conversion experience. Desiring to reach Rome and then Jerusalem, Ignatius traveled on foot to the city of Manresa, where he spent ten months in prayer. This holy city became the birthplace of the Spiritual Exercises. Our guide for this walk will be Jesuit Fr. José Luis Iriberri, who will lead us both logistically and spiritually, as we align the steps of our journey with the movements of the Exercises. Our journey will take place from October 5 to November 3, with some pilgrims making the full trip and others joining for the second half.
How far is it?
The journey from Loyola to Manresa and on to Barcelona is approximately 325 miles. We will walk most of the way, averaging about 11 miles/day. At times we will take a bus or train in order to ease the more difficult segments and ensure that the distances walked are not excessive for reasonably fit people “50 and better.” The 13-day option covers the final 100 miles.
Want to follow along with our IVC pilgrims on their journey?
Our pilgrims will be capturing images and insights along the way; check back here throughout the Camino and follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates.

Updates from along the way
Dispatches from the Camino, Part 3
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps always strives to walk in the footsteps of St. Ignatius Loyola. This fall, a dozen members of our community are taking that inspiration literally.
Dispatches from the Camino, Part 2
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps always strives to walk in the footsteps of St. Ignatius Loyola. This fall, a dozen members of our community are taking that inspiration literally.
Dispatches from the Camino
As our pilgrims finish their fifth day on the Camino Ignaciano, they find themselves just under 60 miles from where they began. Christine Eberle and Fr. Josep Luis Iriberri, S.J. have been cataloging their thoughts through the journey…
Meet our guide

José Luis Iriberri, S.J., Founder and Director of the Ignatian Way
Fr. José Luis Iriberri is a Jesuit and professor on the San Ignacio Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management at the Ramón Llull University in Barcelona. In 2011, the Society of Jesus assigned him the task of beginning and promoting the Camino Ignaciano. He currently balances his academic responsibilities with his position as director of the Pilgrim’s Office. He is also the author of two books, including On the Ignatian Way with Chris Lowney.
Where can I find more information?
• A wealth of information is available at the Camino Ignaciano website.
• Fr. Iriberri and Chris Lowney have written two books, On the Ignatian Way and Guide to the Camino Ignaciano. Both are available for purchase online.