Morning of Ignatian Inspiration
Reflect with us from the comfort of your own home! Join us on November 13th at 10am Central Time for IVC Omaha’s second-annual Morning of Ignatian Inspiration with Fr. Gillick, SJ and Fr. Carlson, SJ.

Experience Saving a Life
When Cathy Brown joined the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, she did not expect to actually save a person’s life within the first 30 minutes of the first shift at her service site. But that’s exactly what happened!

Keeping a Room for Christ
In Denver, Colorado, you can see God’s glory at work at a Safe Outdoor Spaces (SOS) site, an initiative started in December 2020 by the Colorado Village Collaborative (CVC). CVC was founded in 2017 by a group of young people committed to justice along with members of the Denver homeless community. Together they have developed a model — providing insulated tents, privacy, safety, and services for people experiencing homelessness — that is being considered in cities across the country.

Using Our Gifts to Heal a Broken World
Virtual Event — Experience Unity in Prayer through Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Artists. Join us for a premier healing, experience engaging religion, art, and music!