Join us as we celebrate the launch of Finding God Abiding, the new book by Philadelphia author and friend of IVC Christine Marie Eberle.
In this second book in her Finding God series, Christine traces four movements that run like threads through the tapestry of our lives: We awaken to the world around us, discover and rediscover our path, practice love in its many forms, and grieve the loss of much that we hold dear. These movements are especially poignant for members of the IVC community, as we strive to live reflectively and intentionally in an ever-changing world.
Christine’s first book, Finding God in Ordinary Time, was one of IVC’s common readings for service corps members in 2019. Over the past several years, Christine has provided retreats and days of reflection for many IVC regions, and offered our National Day of Prayer in 2021. She facilitates the monthly meetings of our new virtual community, and is a member of the regional advisory council for IVC Philadelphia/South Jersey. You can follow her at christine-marie-eberle.com.